Daily Tarot 8/19/15

7 of Cups 


Today looks like high potential for a seemingly hectic day.  If you find yourself faced with multiple decisions and a little over-excited or over-whelmed, take a few minutes to assess all the options.  Don’t rush to any decisions or jump to any conclusions.  There is the potential to make the wrong move.  Pause, prioritize, and then decide. 


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  
If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 
Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/18/15

The Hermit

Take the time to listen to your inner wisdom.  Your guiding light shines bright so remember to look within for your answers.  This can be difficult to remember while in the middle of all the hustle and bustle of reality.   If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed just close your eyes, take a deep breath, and bring yourself back to center.  Find the eye of the storm, here you will find the much needed calm you seek.


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  

If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 
Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/16/15

Two of Wands  
Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  

If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 

Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/14/15

The World  

At times it might seem like you’re dealing with a lot alone.  Lately the planets have been highly active in the skies causing a lot to shake up in your life. This has left you feeling alone and isolated.  The opposite, in fact, is true. You have a lot of support and admiration from people around you but there are barriers in the way that have been constructed by you and or others. Find a way to see past them, reach through them and see who is on your team, willing and capable of relating or providing you with support.  Trust your intuition, it will let you know who is genuine and who needs to be kept at bay. 


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  

If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 

Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/13/15

Queen of Cups  
Pay close attention to your emotions, they are the GPS of life.  Anytime you make a wrong turn, the alarm that’s triggered to let you know is the argument you had, the frustration you felt, or the sadness that consumed you. Contrarily wise, the way you know you are on the right path is by the joy you experience, the satisfaction you feel or the happiness that consumes you. 

Honor your emotions, on all ends of the spectrum.  Allow them to be and allow yourself to see what they’re really trying to say. 


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  

If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 

Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/12/15

Queen of Wands  

Today be confident in what you say and do. Know what you want and be unwavering. What you have to offer is valuable so carry yourself with the energetic exuberance it deserves.  Definitely pause to see if you are being rude or disrespectful to those around you. If so, correct your course. If not, remember that when you shine bright you can intimidate people that are less comfortable in their skin unintentionally.  If the latter is the case, don’t dull your light to appease them. 


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  

If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 

Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/11/15

The Empress


Lately there have been a lot of changes happening both internally and externally.  Endings, beginnings. In the midst of it all it’s easier to see the upheaval that is all around. This will cause you to get discouraged, feel down, less than. The Empress is here to remind you that you create your reality but you have to have patience.  It takes time for things to right themselves, it takes time for seeds to grow.  So remember not to get frustrated. Instead focus on giving the most nurturing energy and attention towards the reality you want and not let the reality that is bring you down. 


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  

If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 
Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/8/15

8 of Pentacles

When it comes to your job, career, extra curricular hobbies, you definitely know how to put in the work.  Perhaps more than needed.  It may be time to consider backing off or slowing down. Even just asking for help or delegating the duties and responsibilities to people you trust and respect would be in your best interest.  While it’s great to be focused on what needs to get done, be weary because it can be easy for you to overburden and isolate yourself from friends, family, coworkers, lovers.  Sometimes when you’re really into something, it can lead to you neglecting those or that which made you a part of a community.  Yes it’s great to pull back and handle your business, just be aware that it’s not to the detriment of relationships.


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  
If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 
Thanks again! Cheers. 

Daily Tarot 8/7/15

Dislmaimer: I had this post written up and scheduled to post at midnight yesterday.  Now that I’m looking to do the post for Saturday, I notice this never posted.  What the eff??  Well, I’m posting it now anyway, perhaps it will give you insight on how your day went.  Keep an eye out for todays Tarot as I will post it shortly.  I was trying to refrain from “obsessively checking” so many of my social media outlets and focus on work.   Lesson learned:  Always check your work at least to see that it posted correctly…. k thx.


Good morning!  I love that this card came up for today especially after the daily recap I added to the comments of yesterdays post.

Temperance is here to remind you to find balance and call upon your inner guidance regarding  your emotions, how you choose to operate and how you handle various situations.  Now I’m not saying you need to suppress, ignore or side step any emotional reactions that come up.  What I am saying is to be more aware of how you react and act.  It will be in your best interest to stay grounded, aware, and present while it’s happening so you make the best decisions.  Your emotions are extremely important and are here to teach you what you need to be paying attention to.  If you’re firmly grounded in yourself, you will be able to handle and manage all that comes up with an enlightened sense of awareness for the greater good of all.  With all that being said, I feel today will be a good day to start off with whatever grounding technique works best for you like journaling, exercising, meditating, or prayer to name a few.

Let me know in the comments what’s your go to grounding technique.  Me personally I’ll probably do some dance related exercises.  Also, come back later today and check the comments to see how this card spoke to me throughout the day.  I’d love to hear about how your day went too!


Thank you for reading the daily tarot!

If you enjoyed this post, be sure to like it and subscribe to the blog to to stay up to date with what I publish.

If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details.

Thanks again! Cheers.

Daily Tarot 8/6/15

6 of Wands

Today is a day you are being recognized for the elevated status that you hold because of the skills that you have or even the style in which you carry yourself. Perhaps among friends, family, or co-workers.  Today you are noticed and respected by them in the way that you should be and just as you recognize and respect yourself.  

Consider putting a little extra thought into how you dress and carry yourself for the day. 


Thank you for reading my daily tarot! I would love to hear from you if and how this was or wasn’t relevant to you and your day.  
If you enjoyed this, be sure to like the post and subscribe to the blog to make sure you stay up to date with what I publish. If you would like a more personalized one on one tarot reading, please contact me for details. 
Thanks again! Cheers.