Daily Tarot 3/3/15


Ace of Cups


There’s a lot flowing today, be it literal (it’s raining here and snowing most places) or energetic. 

In regards to the energetic, pay attention to your emotions and do your best to not let them get away from you.  There is a way to feel and experience a lot while staying calm and maintaining control.  However, don’t use that as an excuse to suppress anything.  Honor your feelings and allow yourself to feel all the feels. Doing so will allow them to move through you faster than if you hold onto them and let them fester.  Laugh, cry, yell, etc.  Apologize to anyone that might have been caught in your whirlwind who, in retrospect, might not have deserved it… 

The overflow could also pertain to ideas and inspiration. It would help to keep a sketchbook, notebook, or have some similar sort of app available so when inspiration strikes you can write it down or sketch it out.  Don’t doubt or delay, chances of remembering later are slim. 


Thanks for reading!  If you like this post please like, share, comment and/or subscribe.  I appreciate any and all interaction and feedback. 

[Writers Note: I might switch this to a weekly tarot.  Since my other posts are weekly, I don’t want to have most of my posts be about tarot.]

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